As a Christian, Easter is the BIG moment.
The foundation of our faith. The moment when the burden of the law, and our failed attempts at “doing good” collide with the glorious, rescuing, steadfast love and grace of a God who gave His only son to pay for our sins.
It is the best news, the best part of the story, the heart-changer, the life-giving part of this great story our God is writing.
But yet it seems to take a back seat.
If we’re not careful, it can just represent chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, and a new dress.
I want to invite you, just like we did at Christmas through the Jesse Tree, to join me this Easter in being intentional to share Jesus with our family.
Let’s tell our children about our beautiful Jesus. Let’s build with anticipation through the month of March telling the story of our salvation, and allow Easter morning to be a true celebration of the new life we have in Christ.
We want to help your family do just that.
We’re calling it The Easter Project.
Beginning March 1st, check in here and we will be sharing devotionals, activities, music, snacks, books, movies, and more to help you create opportunities to share the Easter story and the gospel with your family–and of course, HAVE FUN!
You don’t have to wait until March though to begin the story of Jesus. Start right now! We are reading through the gospel of Mark this month with our family, and we encourage you to do the same.
Pick one of the four gospels, or your favorite children’s Bible and GET TO KNOW JESUS!
Then join us here in March for The Easter Project and daily on Facebook for inspiration along the way. See you soon!