Last week, 52 moms from the local area got together to exchange ornaments. These moms had 3 weeks to create a visual image that represented a story out of the devotional. Here are the results…
Group 1
Group 2
They’re beautiful, and so creative. When I met with these moms 3 weeks ago, there was some worry and hesitation. Many of the moms said, “I’m not creative. I’m not really an artist. I don’t know what I am going to do.” Those moms walked out of the meeting in humility, and dependence upon God to provide an idea.
When we came together again, I asked each of the girls to share their heart behind the ornament. What made you think of this idea? What did God teach you through His stories from the Bible? Each one shared with confidence, story after story of how God had led them to the idea of the ornament.
One shared how a dying rose bush provided wood for the stump of the Jesse Tree. Another kept hearing and humming a praise song in her head about how God made the stars and knows them by name. God provided her the idea of stars. One member shared how her entire family (24) came for Thanksgiving, and all helped her make the ornaments!
Jesus is the Root of Jesse
Another honestly said she didn’t like her story (Offering of Isaac). God showed her through the struggle that His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. She learned although some of God’s ways are hard to accept, He has a plan and a purpose that extends our understanding.
Offering of Isaac
We all realized a consistent theme at the end. God was faithful. He helped each of us create something beyond what we thought we could do. “The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing
(Psalm 145:13-16).”
Noah and the Flood
Now, each time we hang a Jesse Tree ornament on the tree–it will not only serve as a reminder of the Bible story, but also as a reminder of the face and precious story of the mom who made it.
This is why I love the ornament exchange. Wouldn’t you love to be a part of it too? I hope you will join us next year!