Tomorrow I am headed to a writing conference in Dallas called Declare.
Ha! Writing?? What is that? 🙂 Last time I did that was Easter.
Since then we have fixed up our house, finished our second year of homeschooling, put our house on the market, SOLD a house, attended a family reunion, searched and lost three houses in Houston, had a super fun summer soaking in time with family and friends, packed up our house, planned a “How to Train Your Dragon” birthday party for the kids, said GOODBYE to our house and family and friends, found a rental house in Houston literally days before we needed to move, attended another family reunion, and FINALLY left our beloved home in Dallas and moved to Katy, Texas.
But, I am so excited to attend this conference, and yet so nervous too because– meeting new people, the enemy is trying to make me think I have nothing to offer, and I always feel nervous when God is calling me to trust Him deeper and further than I ever have before. Even though there is A LOT of change in my life right now, I signed up for this conference way back in January. I’m so glad I did because if I would have known the season coming in my life, I think I would have given myself a “pass” card.
The theme for the conference is WILD OBEDIENCE. I sooo want to do this and I look forward to sharing the journey with you dear readers!
For each of the attendees to get to know each other at the conference they have given us a fun assignment–to share 4X4 (that’s 16) things about ourselves so that we can get to know each other. So…to the new friends visiting here and to the oldie but goody friends– here are 16 things about me.
4 things about me:
1. This is me, by the way. I like to wear t-shirts, jeans or shorts, sandals, and pretty much no makeup (or very little). I have always been that way. Actually a place I feel like my attire is always appropriate is camp. That’s probably why I loved going to camp so much as a kid.
2. I am a cancer survivor. I had Leukemia as a child. I was diagnosed when I was three, and went into remission when I was 5. I am very fortunate not to remember too much about that time except for when I enter a hospital. Certain smells take me back. The doctors told my parents that I had a 50% chance of surviving, and that if I did one of the side effects possibly could be losing the ability to have children. So glad they were wrong, and God’s plan for me included these two.
3. I got a Sociology degree from Texas A&M, but graduated and went back to school to get my alternative teaching degree (after leaving a University known for their teaching program) in Special Ed. I cherish the experiences I have had with these students.
4. When my husband and I were dating, he worked in London for a few months. I was the one in the relationship who was taking my sweet time figuring out how I felt about him. I surprised him in London over Valentine’s Day after just a month of being apart because I couldn’t wait another minute to tell him how much I cared for him!
4 of my endearing quirks:
1. I could just eat snacks all day. In fact in college I earned the nickname, Snackie, because I can easily skip meals and just eat a snack. Very healthy, I know! My all time favorite is popcorn.
2. I don’t really watch much TV but when I do it has to be a Netflix marathon where I watch some super addictive series all right. in. a. row. My most recent marathon was Alias. Loved it.
3. I have two older half brothers that are 10 and 12 years older than me. As a result of that, I was raised on the music of Def Leppard, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, and Guns N’ Roses instead of the typical children’s “classics.” To this day when I hear one of these songs I crank it up, sing at the top of my lungs, and have a good ol’ time!
4. I love to sing and listen to music. I can relate to events and remembering people with songs. I often take a tune from a song and change the words to whatever I want to say. Some people say it’s annoying (not my hubby though) while others see it as a gift :). It has proven to be very effective (at times) in getting my children’s attention!
4 things about my writing:
1. I have a ton of journals. Writing is the way I have always been able to express myself best and talk to God. It also has served as a way for me to remember God’s faithfulness and thank Him for the work He is doing in my life. No matter how little I am writing here, you can bet I am writing in my journal!
2. Two years ago my husband and I wrote a Christmas devotional for the Jesse Tree. We currently are working on an Easter Project. I love working with my husband! He is an architect and helps with the graphics and design, while I write the words. We make a great team.
3. So far my writing on the blog has been focused on ways to share Jesus with your family at Christmas and Easter. I love writing about that. I’m praying about writing year round and what God has for me to share. I believe that so many of us young moms are just so busy, tired, and worn out from trying to do it all with our kids. I really want to provide ways to serve your families in easy, practical, and meaningful ways that inspire peace and freedom in the home not more “pressure of doing.” Will you join me in praying how I can do that?
4. I have had a lot of change recently with our move. One of the things that has stayed the same is this SPACE and YOU, readers. Knowing that I can come and write here has provided a great source of comfort to me.
4 of my favorite things:
1. I love children’s books. Being a homeschool mom, I often frequent the library for good books… BUT I often go in the evenings by myself and find, read, and fall in love with more children’s books! My current favorite is Patricia St. John’s, Treasures of the Snow.
2. I love to have tea parties with the fancy china, loose teas, homemade scones, the works. A dear friend of mine introduced me to the art of serving tea 10 years ago and it made me feel so special. Time slows down when you steep tea and hearts open up. There is nothing that would delight me more than to sit down with you and have a wonderful conversation over tea.
3. I love discipleship and sharing life with people. I have been so blessed to have been impacted by women who have not only shared God’s Word with me but their lives as well. Fourteen years ago I was paired with a young lady in a discipleship relationship and we have continued that relationship to this day. It has been one of the most refining tools in my life and greatest joys to walk beside someone encouraging them in their walk with the Lord.
4. Okay, last but certainly not least….I love to hip hop dance. Really. Oh I definitely could not hang with the hip hoppers of this day, but if you put on some “Bust-a-Move” or “Jump Around,” you just might see this white girl move!
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