It’s been one week of the Jesse Tree now–how’s everyone doing?
Maybe this was a week where you had time to carve out each day and tell the story. OR maybe you were lucky to get in one or two stories. Maybe you couldn’t do anything this week.
It’s OKAY FRIEND. Advent is not too far gone.
No matter what your week and time look like, or how full or empty your plate is this season, God loves you and will meet you right where you are.
So sing a Christmas carol while you are changing that diaper…OR make an easy, fun after school snack that tells the story of the Jesse Tree…OR say a verse and hang an ornament after dinner…OR say a prayer of thanks as you are driving from activity to activity…
Doing it all does not make you super mom.
But doing what you can in love and with faith in the One who can do it ALL, will leave lasting imprints on your family this Christmas season.
There are seven more wonderful opportunities to share God’s faithfulness with your family this week.
December 8th–Joseph and His Coat
“You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.” Genesis 50:20
God’s people travel to Egypt through the story of Jospeh.
Joseph is wrongly accused, thrown in jail, forgotten, forgiven, and placed at the head of Pharoh’s kingdom.
This is a wonderful story to encourage your children that God has a plan for them. It also is a wonderful picture of the beauty of forgiveness.
Take your kids on a “trust walk,” taking them through the house or backyard, even over obstacles, so they can imagine how Joseph trusted God through hard things even though he could not see what God was doing.
December 9th–Moses and the Passover
“The Lord will go through the land to strike the Egyptians down. He’ll see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe. He will pass over that house.”
Exodus 12:23
God heard the cries of His people. He hears us today too when we call to Him.
He delivers His people through sending ten plagues to warn the Egyptian people and Pharaoh. The final plague being the worst of all.
God directs them to put the blood of a lamb over their doorposts so that when death comes, it will pass over their home and they will be saved.
Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, and when we believe– we too are “passed” over from death and given new life.
December 10th–Moses and the 10 Commandments
“Israel, listen to me. Here are the rules and laws I’m announcing to you today. Learn them well. Be sure to follow them.” Deuteronomy 5:1
The 10 Commandments are important because they show us how to live. They also show others what Christians act like.
But it is impossible to live these out perfectly.
Jesus is the perfect example of how we are to live. He stands in our place and is perfect for us so we can be close to God.
We like to dance to the “Ten Commandment Boogie” by Go Fish!
God can help us obey the 10 Commandments so that others can see we are different. Pray that this would help others to want to know our God too.
December 11th– Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
“Be strong and brave. Do not be terrified. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere I go.” Joshua 1:9
After Moses dies, a new leader is chosen for the Israelites–Joshua. And he is right off the bat asked to march against the mighty city Jericho.
This is my son’s favorite story in the Jesse Tree. It is fun to act out!
God used Joshua to show others His mighty power. He did it in a very creative way as well…with shouting, marching, and blowing on a horn.
God can use our sons and daughters as well. No matter what hurdles face them, God will be with them wherever they go.
December 12th–Ruth and Boaz
“May the Lord reward you for what you have done. May the God of Israel bless you richly. You have come to him to find safety under his care.”
Ruth 2:12
Ruth, coming from a pagan country, chooses to follow her mother-in-law, and live in Bethlehem after her husband died.
She wanted to love and take care of Naomi. But in this day and age, the women needed a man to provide for them. Neither Ruth or Naomi had a husband.
Ruth was willing to work hard to help provide for her mother-in-law. She worked in the fields gathering wheat. Her love and dedication caught the attention of a godly man named Boaz who owned the field.
They would later become married and Ruth would have a baby boy that would be the father of Jesse.
Ruth trusted God to take care of her and little did she know that one day a Savior would come from her family. God has a special plan for each of us just like He did for Ruth.
Bake or buy some yummy bread. Have a picnic while you tell the story of Ruth. Thank God for the ways He provides for you too, and thank Him that He has a special plan for you.
December 13th–God chooses a New King
“Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. I do not look at the things people look at. Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
The Israelites wanted a king. God chose a young man named David.
He was the youngest of Jesse’s sons. A shepherd. He was not even old enough to fight in war.
But God often chooses the things that are humble, less than, and weak so that He can display His power. God looks at the heart not at what is on the outside.
Which one do you think is sweeter? The bananas with the blemishes. Things are not always what they seem!
It is important for us to treat others with the same perspective God does when He looks at us.
December 14th–Elijah and the Big Fire
“The Lord is the one and only God! The Lord is the one and only God! 1 Kings 18:39
Nothing is too difficult for God…even starting a fire with wood doused with water.
This is a great time to talk about the definition of an idol. An idol is anything that captures our attention other than God.
Make an edible altar.
This is more realistic looking when you have pretzel STICKS, but I just used what was on hand!
God displayed His power by setting the altar on fire when Elijah prayed. The other priests who prayed to their false gods could not do it!
When the people saw the power and glory of God, they turned their hearts back to God.
Jesus would do the same thing–turn all of our hearts back to where our life and strength is found.
Friends–thanks for joining us and we welcome your ideas and wisdom in how to make God’s Word come alive this month through the Jesse Tree.
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